2024 Annual Meeting
June 11, 2024
Colin Gawel and John Blakely shared the history of their respective businesses and how they came to exist under the same roof. Our cozy group of Society members were treated to a free beverage and free coffee samples thanks to Colin’s Coffee and The Daily Growler. Executive Director Kristin Greenberg discussed the state and future of the Society. A good time was had by all!
2023 Annual Meeting
Our Annual Meeting coincided with a History Speaks presentation - Columbus Landmarks Presents the Case for Preservation.
2022 Annual Meeting
It was a dark and stormy night but a brave group of 30 joined us on June 8th. We enjoyed seeing all the faces, sharing some snacks, and learning together.
A special "shout out" to the Events volunteer team of Kate Brody, Laura Bruce, Liz Rothermich and Amy Saunders for creating such a wonderful spread; Melanie Brown for the Archives display; Mark Abell for his UACA organizational research and presentation; Nichole Montgomery from the UACA for attending and sharing; and of course, The Cleary Company for that fabulous meeting space. We hope to be there again on a sunnier day!
2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
LYNNE BROWN is the winner of the blue brick drawing! Members who voted in our Annual Meeting were eligible to win a Macy’s /Lazarus blue brick, courtesy of the Upper Arlington Community Foundation. Lynne will receive her brick once the Foundation releases it for distribution. Congratulations, Lynne!
Welcome to our Friends, supporters and those who are interested in what’s been going on with the Upper Arlington Historical Society over the last year.
Understanding our past has become critical topic of the present. Several projects are mentioned in our short, three-and-a-half minute annual meeting video, many of which you can find more information about below.
Happy exploring and learning! We’d love to hear from you - don’t hesitate to contact us at info@uahistory.org
DID YOU KNOW… we have new research-oriented items under “Learn” on our website’s navigation. Check it out.
Our Latest Research: Historical Restrictions on Property Ownership in Upper Arlington
It is well-known that in our community’s past certain people were restricted from purchasing property, and now the facts are assembled in one place for all to clearly see. Over the past few months, several of us at the Society have been working to build this point of reference. It is our hope, with this knowledge, others may be able to better succeed in facing the resulting challenges of today.
The video below captures the essence of these property restrictions, and the more comprehensive examination lives here on our website.
Please contact us at info@uahistory.org with questions or ideas on how to more widely share this information.
A special THANK YOU to Warman Productions for donating their time and talents to create this outstanding illustration of our property deeds research!
History Speaks “2020” videos
All our History Speaks event videos can be found here. This includes:
Richard Rothstein & The Color of Law,
(thank you to Warman Productions for donating the video production of this event)The Miller Family & The Livingston Seed Company, and
the Tour of Royce-Built Homes in UA
The Camp Willis re-enactment video will be released later this year, thanks to Warman Productions.
Many thanks to our lead sponsor, First Merchants Bank; our supporting sponsors, The Centennial Veterans Committee and The Wellington School; and our many other business and individual sponsors that made this first speaker series possible.
Our High School Grounds: Land Transfers from Pleasant Litchford (1879) up through the UA Board of Education (1955)
To better understand how the chain of transfer of high school grounds, watch this video (from minute 28:30 - 39:00). The complete research can be found in our new Research Corner.
A 70-second video explaining the Susan G. Knell scholarship award and announcing the 2021 winner.