Upper Arlington Century Home Marker Program
Founded in 2023. Over 70 UA homes now have markers!
In recognition of our city’s diverse century-old architecture, the City of Upper Arlington and the Upper Arlington Historical Society have partnered to administer the Century Home Marker Program. Eligible homeowners are notified each year in conjunction with the Homes of History event. Have a question about your home? Contact us at info@uahistory.org.
Custom plaques will include a “Year Built” date specific to the home. See the specification sheet here or at the bottom of this page.
What are the goals of this program?
Recognize your home’s place in history
Celebrate the significance of Upper Arlington’s century-old homes
Foster a sense of community pride
Contribute to the community’s historical awareness and education
Who can apply for a Century Home Marker?
Your home must be at least 100 years old as of December 31st of the current year, and
The front exterior architectural lines of your home must not be severely altered from the original facade.
Does having a Century Home Marker create restrictions on what I can do to my property?
No, having the plaque does not add additional restrictions. Approved homeowners must follow the same City guidelines as those without Century Home Markers.
What does the plaque look like?
The durable zinc marker is crafted similarly to our city’s park signs with raised lettering and use of dark bronze and gold-tones. The bear shape is fittingly from Upper Arlington’s 2018 centennial celebration logo. Each 11” x 7” oval plaque is custom-made locally by Columbus Sign Co. with your home’s “year built” proudly displayed under the bear. (Please see the full-color specification sheet.
Where can I find out what year my house was built?
The Franklin County Auditor’s website is the best starting point. If you have records that suggest a different year, please email info@uahistory.org with that supplemental information. If you know your home is at least a century old but do not know the specific year, applicants can explain on the application. Plaques can be produced without a year printed on the marker.
What is the installation process for the plaque?
Holes will need to be drilled to receive the plaque’s four mounting studs. Instructions and a template are included.
What does a plaque cost and where does the money go?
A Century Home Marker costs $275 and includes a Society membership. Upper Arlington Historical Society members pay a discounted cost of $250. The money pays for the plaque’s production plus a small contribution to the Society for managing this program.
Note: Costs may increase each year if production costs increase.
How do I apply?
Applications are now open through September 15th. If you are not already a Society member or on our mailing list, you can join — just scroll to the bottom of this page — so you will receive our announcements.
Why do I need to apply? Why can’t I simply order a plaque?
Both the City of Upper Arlington and the Society need to confirm your “year built” date.
The application requires you to confirm that no major changes have been made to the exterior of your home.
The application asks where you plan to affix your plaque in accordance with the City’s approved locations: attached garage, front porch or front wall. (Note: We had to have special legislation passed to allow for this permanent marker to be attached to your home! Read it here.)
What happens once I apply?
A representative from both the City and the Society must approve your application.
You will receive email notification.
Orders placed by June 30th will be placed in mid-July; orders placed by September 15th will be placed by beginning of October.
Delivery is estimated for 8 weeks after the order is placed.
What happens to the plaque if I sell my house?
The Century Home Marker is yours but leaving it for the next homeowner may inspire the same stewardship to care for the home.
How does this affect the August Homes of History celebration?
The Upper Arlington Historical Society will continue our annual August event to celebrate all our century homes and hope you will participate. The yard signs are a very prominent symbol for the wider community. A Century Home Marker is a permanent and more personal honor for you and your home.
Email info@uahistory.org or call 614-470-2610.
Specification Sheet: