Research & Resources
Based on inquiries, topics of interest to our community and the resources in our archives, we conduct research projects to further our understanding of our historical past. Please direct questions to
Homes & Property
What does it mean to have a “Royce-built home"?”
Warren C. & Virginia B. Armstrong house - History of 2756 Edgewood Road
Our Past
History display at UAHS (2024)
Jones 100 display panels (2024)
Life “north of Lane” in the 1940s - Remembrances from Pauline Stinson Stamm
Blue Bricks (Lazarus / Macy’s store)
History of the UACA (presented by Mark Abell at 2022 Annual Meeting)
The History of Camp Willis: A Military Camp Pauses the Development of Upper Arlington
History of the Miller Family (from minute 1:00 - 9:00)
History of July 4th - courtesy of UAHS Class of 2019’s Jane Pultz (created in 2018)
2015 WOSU video about Tri-Village area history (Grandview Heights, Marble Cliff, and UA)
UA Archives - an online resource to UA’s history