The Homes of History Event

Homes of History is an august celebration of our city’s century-old, diverse and fine quality architecture.

  • As of 2025, there are over 400 century homes in Upper Arlington!

  • Century homes are found throughout Upper Arlington, including north of Lane Avenue, outside of UA’s Historic District.

  • Over 270 homeowners participated in Homes of History 2024.

Newly-eligible century homeowners (homes built in 1925) will be contacted by early May about participating in the August event. If you believe you have a 100+ year-old home and have not received information from the Society, please email us at

To begin a search for your home’s age, start at the Franklin County Auditor’s Property search site. Scrolling down the summary page will show a “Built Year” date. Occasionally these dates are not correct; if you have additional information to clarify the age of your home, please contact us.

Yard signs are offered free-of-charge in your home’s 100th year and then homeowners may use that sign every subsequent year. Replacement signs or homeowners with homes more than 100 years old are asked to purchase the yard sign for a nominal fee.

See information from previous Homes of History events:

We will NOT be requiring past participants to register for this year’s Homes of History event; just put your sign out in August! If you need a new sign, please email us at with your name and address. There will be a nominal fee for a replacement sign or if you did not opt-in on your home’s 100th birthday year. This helps us sustain the program.

The Society relies on email to communicate with homeowners, and we hope you will remain on our mailing list to view the broad set of programs and events we conduct all year long.

The Century Home Marker program is process by which century homeowners may purchase a permanent metal sign for their home. The application window will re-open shortly and requires multiple levels of approval from the City of UA and the Society. See more details here.