Join UAHS alum Bradley Frick as he describes Wendell Ellenwood's journey from Ohio State to Omaha Beach through France and Belgium and the Battle of the Bulge, then on to Berlin and back to OSU and Upper Arlington. Wendell earned multiple high-profile recognitions for his outstanding contributions during World War II and his dedicated civic involvement. Before Wendell's passing in 2020, Brad recorded videos with him, and Brad will be sharing selected clips during this event.
This “free-to-attend” event is presented by the Upper Arlington Historical Society as part of their "Veterans Voices" project. Thank you to the Upper Arlington Public Library for hosting this presentation. Please register through the Library’s site to ensure adequate seating by clicking below:
Wendell Ellenwood speaking at an event prior to his death in 2020. Photo credit: Bradley Frick.
Bradley Frick moved to Upper Arlington in 1954 and graduated from UAHS in 1966. He worked at WTVN am/fm/tv while attending The Ohio State University. After his graduation in 1972 with a degree in History and Political Science, he joined Xerox and then quickly headed to Notre Dame, graduating from law school in 1977. Brad was the CEO of Northway Transportation, Inc and now practices law. He has been a member of UA Rotary for 20 years.