
To our HistorySpeaks 2020 Sponsors -

Early this year you pledged your support to the Upper Arlington Historical Society for an inaugural programming series. We, in return, made a commitment to you — to promote your business and name in our community.

Rest assured, even with the changing norms of 2020 we have made good on that promise.

Here’s our THANKS to you and to show you what we have done.

HistorySpeaks 2020 Brochure

Click on the right to advance the pages. This e-brochure is ALWAYS available on our website, and we have directed people there in our online presentations. Fortunately, over 230 brochures were distributed at our one in-person event on March 4th. Additionally, we will be mailing brochures to our 2020 members, reaching another 200+ people.



Our largest event, attended by 230+ people, was fortunately scheduled for March 4th prior to stay-at-home orders. Two of our remaining events were presented in an online format. Our one remaining event is planned for spring of 2021, so we will continue to sing your praises through the beginning of next year! See videos of our events below:

As a part of our 2020 History Speaks series we hosted Richard Rothstein, author of The Color of Law, at Jones Middle School on March 4th, 2020. Richard discu...
Photos are courtesy of the Upper Arlington Historical Society, UA Archives and Martha Livingston. This presentation is two-part: (1) A brief history of the M...
Who was Robert Russel Royce, and why do current-day real estate ads promote "Royce-built" homes? Find out more about the man who designed over 100 homes in U...

Notable Mentions

  • Our emails have contained links to our sponsor lists (see example here)

  • Our video annual meeting thanked our supporters multiple times and directed viewers to our website (plus you can see the work of the Society from June 2019 - June 2020)