Annual Meeting - Vote 2020
Watch our Annual Meeting video here.
Those eligible to vote on these two issues will receive instructions via email or letter.
Issue 1 - Confirm New Board Member - Suzy Owen
Suzy will bring not only her spirited enthusiasm, but also an excellent set of qualifications and skills that will benefit the Society:
· Graduate of UA High School and Ohio State University (education degree)
· Former Pre-K teacher and administrator
· Worked with UA schools, OSU education department and autism family communities on initiatives to merge autistic children with their peers starting at Pre-K level
· Active in numerous volunteer roles; nominated for Northwest Woman of the Year
· Particular interest in historic preservation and education
A review of the Society’s 2009 version Code of Regulations has been conducted and resulted in proposed updating changes. Among the changes proposed are:
Broadening the geographic area of our historical interest to include the area immediately surrounding the City of Upper Arlington
Clarifying the membership year to be the calendar year
Changing the number of successive 3-year terms that a Trustee may serve, if elected by vote of the members, from 2 to 3
Allowing the Trustees to pass emergency regulations effective during times of state or local emergency
Creating an Emeritus Trustee status to be conferred by vote of current Trustees
Permitting notices of meetings to be sent by electronic mail
Allowing the Trustees to meet in electronic (“Zoom”-type) meetings
Adoption of the updates require the positive vote of two-thirds of those members casting ballots
The complete Code of Regulations of the Upper Arlington Historical Society as amended is available here.
Our 2020 Friends of the Society can use the link in their emailed newsletter (preferred) or the one above to vote (
When cast by noon, Friday, July 17, 2020, the vote will be counted. From those, a drawing will be held to win a 2020 holiday ornament! In the email, please enter your two Yes/No selections AND your name.
Vote through noon on July 17, 2020
The following matters coming before the Annual Meeting of Members of the Upper Arlington Historical Society are presented for vote of the Members:
1. Suzy Owen shall be elected to the Board of Trustees for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2020.
_____ Yes _____ No
2. The Code of Regulations of The Upper Arlington Historical Society as Amended and Restated shall be adopted.
_____ Yes _____ No
Member Name: