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Our History Speaks Apri 24, 2024 presentation by co-founder and former CompuServe CEO, Jeff Wilkins.


  • First Merchants Bank for being our 2024 History Speaks lead sponsor!

  • Advent Media Inc.’s Steve Puffenberger for going above-and-beyond with our History Speaks video recordings!

  • The many UA businesses and organizations that donated prizes for UA Quest. See those prizes here.

  • UA’s Community Relations Committee for their grant to assist with our History Speaks series.

  • A new fireproof and waterproof safe to house precious Archives items. This project was funded by a grant from the funds at the Upper Arlington Community Foundation, made possible by their generous donors since 2003. Thank you to the Don & Sharon Cook Fund and the UACF!

  • Cover to Cover for their fantastic Homes of History window display in August 2023.

 In the News…

The Newark Earthworks made national television on January 22, 2024. Link to this 5 min video about the World Heritage site so close to UA. We hosted archaeologist Brad Lepper last October for a more in-depth review of the Earthworks as part of our History Speaks programming - see that video here.

Tri-Village Magazine - Nov-Dec 2023. Two UA residents and Society members are featured in this article celebrating our century homes.